Support Schemes Overview
Home to over 90 substantive Professors. By placing a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research, LIAS offers support schemes designed to help academic staff to pursue and produce internationally excellent research and to showcase the best examples of these achievements.
International Visiting Fellowships
Our International Visiting Fellowship Scheme provides funding and administrative support for the University’s research groups to attract to Lincoln distinguished international researchers, including policymakers, representatives of the arts, business, government and industry. While the main aim of the scheme is to foster international research collaborations, we can also host Fellows based in the UK where their visit would enhance strategically important research areas at Lincoln.
Please visit the Fellowships page for further information.
Mobility Awards
Funding will be available for University of Lincoln staff (including early career researchers) to develop or strengthen teaching or research partnerships with overseas institutions. The call for applications will take place at two points throughout the academic year (October and February).
Please visit the Mobility Awards page for further information.
Inaugural Professorial Lectures
The University of Lincoln is home to more than 90 substantive professors. Our series of Professorial Inaugural lectures, open to the University community and wider public, is a celebration of leadership and research achievement among our Professoriate.
Please see our Inaugural Lectures page for further information.
Research Development Activities
LIAS supports academic staff in developing their research interests, profile and outputs, as well as identifying opportunities for collaboration, working closely with the University’s Research and Enterprise Department. In particular, we try to nurture new and emerging specialisms and networks, notably those interdisciplinary studies at the boundaries of established disciplines. This is delivered through targeted academic and administrative support in the form of training, networking events and professional development opportunities.